Thursday, April 24, 2008

Grammy Arrives

Needless to say, the kids get excited when visitors come. This was no exception to having Grammy come to visit. Elizabeth kept talking about it everyday for the week before she arrived. She would say "Mama, only 5 more days", " Mama, only 4 more days".....

I kept them up to take them to the airport with me to pick her up. Kirk had a work function and couldn't go. They were both so excited. Her plane was scheduled to arrive at 9 PM. Elizabeth made it about a mile into the trip and passed out. I couldn't wake her up when we got to the airport. Alex and I went in to meet her. He was so proud to be carrying flowers to give to her. Of course, he made me hold them when he found another little boy with a car to play with! Finally she arrived and he was excited. We made our way back to the car, but Elizabeth still wouldn't wake up! She finally woke up when we got back to the apartment.

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