Elizabeth's imagination is at it again. Today she told me that there is a monster that lives in her room. His name is Coconut. I asked her what he looked like. She said that he was big and round and had orange eyes and no hair. I told her to draw him. She did. He doesn't have feet or hands, she said. He has sticks. Then she told me he was sad, so she drew over his eyes and made them cry. She asked Kirk to write "No Coconuts Allowed" on her picture and hang it up on her door. Tonight she used him as an excuse to goof off before bed. So we told her that Coconut will sleep in our room tonight.
Oh Elizabeth, I wouldn't want Coconut in my room either! He does look very sad. Did he tell you why?
Coconut rocks!
Now how in the world did she come up with coconut....? Children and their developing intellect fascinate me! Merry Christmas to you all, and remember that wise men still seek Him!
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