Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) in Shanghai

Kath took me to see Roger Waters (original member of Pink Floyd). She would tell you it was not that good, but he really put on a good show. Roger Waters is very much from the left side and is not a big fan of George Bush, Tony Blair or the War in Iraq. Regardless of how you feel about the previous people/issues it was amazing to see him freely speak out about those subjects and many other anti-government subjects. The crowd went crazy over it. Most Chinese are also not big fans of George Bush. They especially went crazy when they played "Another Brick in the Wall" (We don't need education...We don't need thought control...) while showing video of the Wall separating East and West Germany coming down. All of this happening in a supposed Communist Country. It was pretty interesting to be there.

The show was very good, he played almost all Pink Floyd songs and played the "Dark Side of the Moon" Album in it's entirety. The politcal talking got to be a little too much, but the music was very good for a 60 year old dude. He played for 2.5 to 3 hours. Unlike the Eric Clapton concert this show was made up of mostly Chinese.

Here is a review of the show including the set list:

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