During the last Concordia Auction, Jim Pigott and Kirk decided to bid for the bus. This was in response to last year's party that G2 Forsberg hosted. I'm not sure how legal their bid was, I think they wrote down their name after the bell rang and upset another Concordia parent, but they were determined to win it.
So they won the bus, and were supposed to plan the trip, but it fell into the hands of Heather and I to plan. We decided to make it an International Tour of Shanghai.
We started at Declan's Irishman's Pub. Then we boarded the bus to head to Puxi and landed at Jenny's Bar. During the bus ride, we enjoyed beverages from Inbev (Budweiser) courtesy of Matt Rohm who traveled from the US, okay not just for the tour but timing was good.
After Jenny's (and the pregnant cat that Ken Holloway made friends with), we headed over to dinner at Cantina Agave for some tacos and Margaritas. Kirk didn't put names on pictures again, so I'll have to come back and do that.
After margaritas, we were ready to dance! We went back over to Pudong and landed at the World Financial Center. Up to the Top of the house we went to watch Carlton Smith and his band. Didn't get picture of the dancing but got video of Kirk singing on stage with Carlton, not sure why it's not posted!