This blog is dedicated to the adventures of the Roessler Family (Kirk, Kathryn, Elizabeth & Alex) in their home in Shanghai and now in Dusseldorf

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Concordia Christmas Concert
The kids have been practicing their Christmas songs for a while now and finally the day came for their Christmas concert. They both did well up on stage and had fun.
Alex was an angel (in costume only) and sang Angels We Have Heard on High. Elizabeth sang a song about instruments. Check out the video. There is a little boy, I think his name is Penn, and he is belting out his song like a pro! What a great performance by all.
After the performance, the kids got to open Christmas presents that we gave to them. Alex got a policeman helmet and Elizabeth got a new High School Musical doll.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Gingerbread Tea Party
Julie Romanski is a member of the Shanghai Expat Association and every year they host a Gingerbread Tea Party or something similar to it. She invited Elizabeth and I to join her, Maddie and Allie as well as Denise and Renee Rockett. The Dulwich children's choir was there singing Christmas carols. Santa welcomed us into the tea party and gave everyone a gingerbread house kit. There were several stations set up with crafts for kids to do. There was a tea party buffet set up complete with finger sandwiches, french fries, hot dogs, and desserts. All the girls had their faces painted and made bead bracelets and did other crafts. They even got a gift from Santa and got to sit on his lap. We saved the gingerbread house for when we returned home and Alex helped us put it together.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Shanghai Pub Crawl Hosted by G2 & Molly
We were invited to a tour of Shanghai by friends, G2 and Molly Forsberg. During the last Concordia auction, they won a bus trip in a Concordia bus. So about 20 or so people loaded up in a bus at the Hard Days Night bar in JinQiao. We proceded, after getting instructions from G2, to the lifestyle center near our house called ShiLe. ShiLe literally means 10 happinesses or something like that. It is a neighborhood of 40 villas, a spa, a lounge, and a restaurant that is ultra luxurious. We were able to tour a villa and the spa. Really nice place. We've always wondered what they were.
After that, we boarded the bus and drove over to Puxi. We played some games and drank some beverages. We made a stop at the Velvet Lounge which is a popular spot with many. After some more beverages, we loaded back on the bus to return to Pudong. We ended the night at the Irishman's Pub where G2 arranged for a band to entertain us and some of Declan's Guiness pies to fill us up.
Our hosts showed everyone a really good time. I have to say that it was the most fun I have had in Shanghai.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Visit to Christmas Train at Hilton
We read in the newspaper that there was a train up at the Hilton in Puxi. So after church one Sunday, we grabbed the Romanski girls and headed over to see it. Alex was in heaven. He could have stayed there all day if we would have let him. He couldn't take his eyes off of it and noticed so many details about the train. After watching the train for a while, we went to lunch in Xintiandi to see the decorations there as well.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Elizabeth's Gymnastics Class

Elizabeth took a gymnastics class this sememster on Saturday afternoons. She really seemed to enjoy the tumbling they did. They never let parents stay in the gym to watch, so I've never been able to get good pictures. This was the last day and I was able to get a picture of her getting her certificate and badge.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Dinner at Paulander Kristkindle
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Elizabeth Daisy Trip to Migrant School
Every year for the past 6 years, the Concordia Daisies, Brownies, Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts along with the Shanghai community center sponser "Giving Tree Bags". Each member of the Scouting group gets a bag and fills it up with a coat, hat, mittens, scarf, and a pair of shoes. These bags are then distributed to a local migrant school and given to a child who needs them. This year, Elizabeth participated.
Xiao Zhu (Ayi) took us shopping to the QiPu Lu Market to fill up our bag. This market is in Puxi and is a huge shopping area where you can get good prices. This place was crazy. Liu dropped off Elizabeth, Ayi, and me off and we waded through a million people to get into the market. It was dirty and the aisles were crowded. Never going back there again. Anyway, we started shopping and I thought we just had to buy a similar size as Elizabeth. After we bought a coat and shoes, I opened the bag and saw that there was a tag inside telling me the size and sex of the child. Great.....11 year old boy. Sooo we returned all that we bought and rebought items for a boy. So glad when that excursion was over.
The pictures you see are of us going to the migrant school on the bus a few weeks after the shopping trip. There were really nice Chinese students so happy to see us. I don't think everyone got a bag, just the neediest, but it was a good chance for Elizabeth to learn about charity.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving at the Stevens
Our friends from Minnesota, Missy and Luke Stevens hosted Thanksgiving dinner at their house. They had 2 turkeys, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, pumpkin soup, caesar salad, bread, corn, etc..... They hosted 8 families. There were 17 adults and 17 kids at their house. She did sit down, family style with a kids table and all. We rented a bounce house for a couple hours to keep the kids busy. The kids had so much fun playing together. It's obviously not as good as spending holidays home with our own families, but it was a good substitute.
New Shanghai Tower Construction to Start
Defying the downturn, city builds even higher
By Dong Hui 2008-11-28 NEWSPAPER EDITION
WHERE some see crisis, others see opportunity.Three months after opening the world's second-tallest skyscraper, Shanghai is about to start construction of an even taller building - in the face of an economic slowdown and falling property prices.Construction on the 632-meter Shanghai Tower, expected to cost 14.8 billion yuan (US$2.17 billion), will begin in Pudong's Lujiazui financial district tomorrow, developers said yesterday.Gu Jianping, general manager of Shanghai Tower Construction and Development Co, said that by starting work in an economic downturn, construction materials would be cheaper. He also predicted that by the time the 121-floor, glass-and-steel tower is opened, China's economy is likely to be soaring again."Launching construction at this time will help boost Shanghai's confidence in fighting the financial crisis," he told a news conference.The tower, which will comprise offices, retail space, a super-five-star hotel and cultural facilities, will be part of a triangle of tall buildings. The recently opened World Financial Center, at 492 meters, is now the world's second-tallest building. Its neighbor, the Jin Mao Tower, rises 420.5 meters above the Shanghai skyline.The new skyscraper will surpass the height of the 501-meter-high Taipei 101 in Taiwan, but the world's-tallest title will go to the Burj Dubai, now under construction in the United Arab Emirates. The Burj is expected to be roughly 800 meters tall, though its exact height has been kept secret.The Shanghai Tower is scheduled to open partially in 2012 when the top floor is finished and go into full operation two years later. The tower's pinnacle will feature the world's highest non-enclosed observation deck. And the building's high-tech office space is expected to help boost Shanghai's financial industry."The floors for trading will be designed especially for companies in the financial services industry," Gu said. "The building is expected to serve banking, insurance, securities and fund companies as well as the headquarters of multinationals."Unlike the Jin Mao Tower and the World Financial Center, the Shanghai Tower's three shareholders are all state-owned enterprises. Shanghai Chengtou Corp holds 51 percent of the company, Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone Development Co Ltd 45 percent and Shanghai Construction Group 4 percent. The developers declined to release future rental rates."What can be certain is that rents will be higher than current ones, as the economy should recover by the time the tower is finished," Gu said.
Trip to the WFC (Tallest Building in China)
The kids were off school the day after Thanksgiving and it was a very clear day for Shanghai so we took the opportunity to go to the top of the World Financial Tower. We can see this building from our apartment as part of the downtown Skyline. This building is currently the tallest building in China at 492m/1614ft (not including Taiwan - Taipei 101). It is the tallest building to the roof (not including antennas or spires) in the world. It will soon be passed by the Burj Dubai in Dubai (800m+). The building contains restaurants, shops and office space on floors 1 - 52. The Grand Hyatt is housed in floors 53 - 87 making it the highest hotel in the world (passing the Hyatt in the Jin Mao Building next door). We visited the 3 observation decks at the top of the building on the 94, 97 and 100th floors.
We had to take two elevator rides and a couple of escalators to get to the very top observation deck. The elevators are very fast. Once at the top, the kids were not scared of the heights and layed on the ground and looks through the glass floor down to ground level. The view was great, but it was still difficult to see in the distance due to the slight haze in the air. We were able to see Kirk's office building, but we could barely make out our apartment and Century Park.
Below are some links to information about the WFC:
WFC Official Website
Wikipedia WFC Website
Grand Hyatt Website
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Putting Up the Christmas Tree
I'm not sure how it happened, but Kirk has caught the Christmas Spririt! At lunchtime on Wednesday, he went to YuYuan Gardens and Bazaar shopping for Christmas stuff. Now, for those of you who have visitied, you know how crazy this area can be. He went into the crowded market by himself and found a Christmas tree, lights, ornaments, and a train. He brought them home and the kids were so excited. They couldn't wait until the weekend so we put the tree up that night after they ate dinner.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Elizabeth's Fall Art Project

On the way back from parent/teacher conferences, we stopped for coffee/tea/hot cocoa and it was a nice day, so Elizabeth and I decided to walk home. The Northwest entrance to Century Park was open so we decided to walk back through the park. It was so sunny out and many leaves had fallen. We decided to pick up leaves for some type of project when we got home. Elizabeth decided she wanted to make a fall tree. She did a great job drawing the trunk. I helped her tape the leaves up and then we put it up outside of our door.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Elizabeth's Ballet Recital
Kirk did a nice job taping exerpts of the ballet recital. It was held at the Portman Theatre again and the girls all did a nice job. They have all really improved from last year. You can see that Elizabeth was very proud of herself.
Santa Visit @ Concordia

Friday, November 21, 2008
Playdate with Crystal and Clare
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Alex Brings Dottie Home from School
Alex is in the Ladybugs class at school. This week, he got to bring Dottie home with him. He had to take pictures of activities that he and Dottie did together. He took her to the park, in the police car, and ate together. We printed out pictures and put them in the book to send back to school.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ballet Recital Practice
This is Elizabeth's second year of ballet. This year, they had their recital in November. This year, there was only one practice day. Last year, there were 4!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dulwich School Fair
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Elizabeth Field Trip to Organic Farm
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Elizabeth Rides Her Bike - Picnic at Century Park
Kirk took Elizabeth's training wheels off earlier in the spring, but she just didn't get the hang of riding a two wheeler until Sunday. We went to Century Park for the first sunny day in about 2 weeks. We took the kid's bikes and as soon as we got into the park, she took right off. I think because the roads inside the park are smooth and wide and not much traffic. She is so proud of herself.
Alex had fun too playing in the leaves and riding his "motor" tricycle. He makes lots of noise when he gets going fast.
We had a great day.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Indoor Picnic - Rainy Day in Shanghai
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Elizabeth is a Daisy
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween came and it reminded me of Michigan Halloweens, cold and rainy. I guess it wasn't that cold, but it sure was rainy.
The kids celebrated twice. Elizabeth was a fairy princess and Alex was a police officer on Friday. Then on Saturday, Elizabeth switched to a cheerleader.
We started on Friday with a party at the Stevens' house. They trick or treated with a big group of kids around the Vizcaya neighborhood. The next time on Saturday with the Romanski's at Season's Villas neighborhood. Alex absolutely loved trick or treating. He completely understands the concept this year. They got a bunch of candy but not a lot of good stuff for Mom to have.
Kirk got to have fun this year too. Liu and I searched all over Pudong for a decent pumpkin for him to carve. They don't have big, round pumpkins, they have short, squat, round pumpkinds. Anyway, Kirk was able to do him magic and even got the kids involved. He also dressed up with his wig and was a hippy or something like that. We'll have to work on his costume for next year.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Concordia Autumn Festival
The school has a party in the fall to celebrate Halloween. Given that we go to a Christian school, there can be no dressing up as a devil, witch, ...anything evil. So they have a celebration and have games and this year had a bounce house. The kids got tattoos, face painting, and played carnival style games. Check out the video when Kirk posts it. Watch Alex put the ring around the bottles. No cheating there.
The preschoolers had a parade. Both kids wore their Halloween costumes.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Elizabeth's Potluck Lunch
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Alex's Gym Class

We've signed Alex up for a gym class on Saturday mornings to help burn some of his excess energy. It's a program called Multisports. They basically teach different sports and techniques throughout the semester. I think it is a total comedy show. Coach Johhny and Coach Pete are really good with these little kids. Coach Johnny gives the instructions and then Coach Pete demonstrates and basically makes a fool out of himself, therefore, making the kids love every minute of it. Alex wasn't too keen the first class, but is getting the hang of it. He still has problem following all the instructions because he just wants to run, but he is getting better at it.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Joe & Keri Taverna Visit

It's hard to believe but the small world thing just keeps happening here. Another family from Michigan is moving over and we took them out. I met Joe and Keri Taverna at GMI as a freshman. We were all the same year. Keri left to get her teaching degrees and Joe and I ended up getting the same degree and studied for classes together. Then they moved into the same neighborhood in Clarkston as our friends Justin and Nichoel Wasik and became friends with them.
Julie and Romo, other GMI grads, came out with us. We ate at Azul Viva, a great Tapas restaurant here in Shanghai. We ended with several stops on the Bund. They move here in January with their 3 kids. We are looking forward to it.
Good Bye Mrs. (Alex) Chiu
Alex Chiu was Elizabeth's preschool teacher for the past two years and started out this year as Alex's preschool teacher. She is a phenomenal teacher with so much skill and patience for children. As the first "real" teacher of my kids that I have had to interact with, she has set the bar so high. She has now repatriated to the US with her family. Her daughter, Nicole, was also a classmate of Elizabeth's. We definitely miss them! This is a photo of some of the mom/friends that had lunch with her before she left. From me going left, Cindy Kaupilla, Alex Chiu, Peline Toh, Lisa Sos, and Terrie Shen.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Bali Trip

Here is the video from the trip. The pictures are in the other posting, but I wanted to say a few words about Bali.
We went with the Romanski family and our families got along great on vacation. All the kids got along great.
We started the weekend with massages. What a better way to start relaxing than a massage overlooking the Indian Ocean.
The villa we had was amazing. It was on the 13th hole of a golf course and just past that was the Indian Ocean. I could sit for hours on the 2nd floor veranda and listen to the waves crash. During the day, they were gentle, tumbling waves. You could follow the waves from along the coast as they tumbled in. At night, they were loud, angry, crashing waves. It almost sounded as if a thunderstorm was rumbling on.
We spent most of our time swimming. The villa had a plunge pool and then we also had access to the Le Meridien resort pools. The resort had a few different pool areas and all were nice. There were two water slides that the kids and the adults had a blast with. Our typical day started out with breakfast, a swim in the plunge pool, a trip to the resort pools, lunch, nap, and swimming again before and after dinner in the plunge pool.
Kirk was able to golf a few times. Romo went out with him the first time and he was done at the 13th hole. I told Kirk before we left that he had my permission to golf everyday, this was his vacation. Too bad for him that he didn't take advantage.
We did take an opportunity to travel into town a couple days. Once to Kuta, which is a beach town popular with tourists, beach bums, and surfers. It was a little like Myrtle Beach, so Kirk really didn't like it. We played in the ocean and did some big wave jumping. Alex was scared at first, and then got comfortable and loved it. Elizabeth, Allie, and Madison all had a great time and didn't want to leave the water. It was a reaally hot day!
Another day, we traveled to see a volcano, Mt Kutamani, or something like that. We ate a restaurant that overlooked the mountain. Then we went to a market that sold coffee and chocolate. After, we went to a Hindu temple that was really peaceful. Maybe not so peaceful with Alex there :). That car trip threw us over and the Roessler family decided that we would be doing no more car trips.
A couple nights, we went down to the hotel to watch Balinese dancing.
Elizabeth and I also went horseback riding on the beach. I was nervous for her, but she did great. Her first time. She loved it.
We had a great lady, Marni, who cooked for us. She made some great satay - otherwise known in the Roessler household as "chicken and steak popsicles". Elizabeth would chow down on these.
We will definitely go back someday!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Scott Lynch Visits Shanghai
Another college friend has dropped into Shanghai for work. This time it was Scott Lynch. Scott is married to Kristin who I lived with during and after college. For our family members following this blog, she sang at our wedding.
It was so great to see Scott and catch up with him. The kids and I last saw him a couple years ago when we stopped at their house in Columbia on our way from Myrtle Beach to Cleveland. He was here with his job and his boss was with him.
Kirk and I took him out on the weekend to some of our favorite spots including our new favorite, House of Blues and Jazz. (Watch the video: Both Scott and Kath took the stage. Kath was carried off by the lead singer). The next day, I took Scott and his boss, Rich, around Shanghai. We did all the major tourists sites like Xintiandi, YuYuan Garden, ate Nanxiang xiao long bao, People's square, the Urban planning museum, and finally the new Shanghai Financial Tower. That tower is reaaaallly tall! If you are at all scared of heights, don't go up to the top.
He and Kirk were supposed to go golfing on Sunday, but it rained. He expects to come back in December. Hopefully he will bring Kristin with him!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
First Bus Ride to School
I just talked about the bus ride in the previous note. Here are more pictures.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
First Day of School
We first took Elizabeth to her classroom and met her teacher, Mrs. McKeough. She is from Australia and is very nice. Alex was quite upset when we told him that he couldn't go in. He thought he wasn't going to get to go to school.
Next, we took Alex. He basically ran into the room (same as Elizabeth's room last year) and never looked back. His teachers are Miss Kipp and Miss Alforte as Mrs Chiu is repatriating back to the US.
They loved their first day back and both were excited to learn that the next day, they would be riding the school bus. The bus picks them up at the entrance to our apartments at 7:20am. Alex is still a little peeved that it is a small bus. He wants to ride a big bus!
Their first week was challenging for them as they were still jet lagged. They were in bed everynight by 7pm. By Friday, Alex was so worn out, he fell asleep on the bus ride home. He didn't even wake up when I carried him home and put him on the couch.
Monday, September 15, 2008
US hangover
I think there is a reverse feeling when I get to the US after being in China. Like how annoyed I get when I land and US people are in general a lot more rude than Asians. Like how I have to drive myself around and stores are so far away. Like how much weight I gain because serving sizes in restaurants are so large and I feel guilty not cleaning my plate. And of course all the good junk food that I am able to get my hands on in the US. Also, having to clean and do my own laundry (although Gigi and Grammy helped me with that a lot :))
So coming back, I am annoyed that I just can't jump into my own car and drive myself to church. I am annoyed that Carrefour (grocery store) doesn't consistently have the product or brand that I like to buy. Same goes for Pines market which is easier to get around in and less crowded than Carrefour but a lot more expensive. I'm annoyed with the fact that my laundry is hung outside to dry because I have a washer dryer combo that is the size of a small bucket.
But after a couple days in both countries, I get used to life as life as an American expat. It's nice to have a driver that can drop you right at the entrance when it is raining and pick you up right at the entrance so you are not wet at church. It's nice to get good service in restaurants without someone expecting a huge tip (although we do tip).
Some things that I am putting my foot down this year more doing dishes in the sink. We have a dishwasher and in 2 years have never used it. Xiao Ju doesn't like to use the dishwasher and just wants to wash by hand. Which is okay during the week, but on the weekend when we have friends over and I cook, I use every pan in the house (just like Gigi) and with my closet sized kitchen, I can't wash and go easily. But she uses it for storage, so I just can't use it easily. Stopped yesterday...I used the dishwasher. Not sure how the dishes came out, need to look. Not sure if I used the right settings or not.
We have also requested another dryer. This way Xiao Ju can be doing do two loads at a time and I won't have laundry draped everywhere in my house in the winter. It will be another bucket sized machine, but will help.
Enough of my rambling!
Detroit Zoo
We visited the Detroit Zoo with Grammy, Chrystal, Ethan and Nolan. The weather was perfect and it was not crowded since all the kids have returned to school. The kids all had fun following the elephant tracks although they couldn't quite understand why there were no elephants. They loved the reptile house. At one point they were watching a large snake get ready to eat his lunch of a dead white mouse. Fortunately/Unfortunately, the snake didn't seem hungry while we were standing there. Not sure how they would have dealt with that.
The monkeys were a hit with the kids. They loved watching them swing around. We continued on to the seals and polar bears.
The seals and the polar bears are my favorite exhibit and since there was not a crowd, we could stand and watch them for a while. One polar bear put on quite a show for us. He just sat on top of the glass tunnel and had a good time.
After this, we went through the kangaroo exhibit. Elizabeth and Alex had fun trying to jump as far as a kangaroo.
We ended the trip with a train ride back which was good for the kids tired legs.
back home in shanghai
I don't have the pictures loaded yet, so we need to work on it, but check over this week and there will be updates.
The kids grew so much this summer. We measured them on their chart and they both grew at least an inch and a half. Alex is the same height at 3 1/2 that Elizabeth was at 4 1/2.
Elizabeth will start kindergarten tomorrow and Alex will start preschool. They will both be at Concordia this year, which will help with logistics. They are both excited.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Trip to the Cider Mill
One thing I really miss about Michigan is fall. I miss the apples, the apple cider, the doughnuts, the smell of crisp fall air and the beautiful colored leaves. Last year, Elizabeth and I were able to experience it when we came back for Vineeta's wedding. This year, we stayed late enough for our friend's and family's weddings and as a bonus we could all experience fall.
The kids all had a great time. Emily, a girl that Chrystal babysits for, joined us too. Their favorite parts were climbing the haystack, watching Mr. Bones sit on the toilet in the out house, and running through the corn maze. Although I didn't get pictures of it, they also loved eating doughnuts!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Elizabeth's 5 1/2 Year Birthday
Elizabeth had her 1/2 birthday and we celebrated with a cake. Elizabeth helped Grammy make it and she had five full candles and a half of a candle.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Chesna Wedding
The awaited day finally arrived. Our friend, Steve Chesna, got married to Beth Sitten. Steve and Kirk were fraternity brothers at GMI and lived together after they both graduated. He is always been a really good friend to both of us and we are so happy he has found Beth.
They had a really nice day for the wedding. It was held in Birmingham, MI where Chesna grew up. Kirk was in the wedding so unfortunately, we had to send the kids without us to his cousin Amy's wedding.
All the guys had fun toasting him and Kirk publicly set the record clean with Mrs. was Steve's can of tobacco....not Kirk's.
The day after the wedding, we hung out at Pelton's and finally got to meet her sister Deborah's twins, Anna and Claire. You can also see pictures of Clare and Kate Cronley.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Trip to Metro Beach Splash Park
Labor Day weekend was spent with a trip to Metro Beach. We took the kids to the spray park again and had a picnic. This time Kirk, Kevin, and PopPop joined us. I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or the adults.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Romeo Peach Festival
We took the kids to the Romeo Peach festival. They were able to ride carnival rides and dance to music. Elizabeth went on the ferris wheel again, she loves this. Alex and Ethan found a couple fun rides that they went on over and over again. It was a really hot day so we didn't stay long, but the kids really enjoyed it.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Chesna & Beth Pre-Wedding Get Together
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Dufon Farm
Here are more pictures from the kids time and our time at the farm. We went back up when Kirk came to the US. We were able to get together with Bumpa's sisters. Aunt Chick (Dolores), Aunt Hotch (Marcellin), Aunt Tootie (Charlotte) and Aunt Honey (Audrianne)were able to stop by after a school reunion that they had. It was great for the kids to be able to meet up with them.
We were also able to meet the Thompson's exchange student from Thailand, Jazz. She is a really nice girl who is living with them right now. The girls just adore her.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thomas the Tank Engine & Frankenmuth
Thomas the Tank Engine came to Crossroads Village again. We went with Kevin, Chrystal, Ethan, Nolan, Grammy and PopPop. Kirk was still on his golf trip. All the kids loved the train ride as well as the bounce houses and train sets. Elizabeth went on a ferris wheel ride for her first time and she really liked it. After the day at Crossroads, we went to Frankenmuth and you can see the kids loved eating the ice cream.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Kirk's Golf Trip
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Fun @ Dufon Farm
Aunt Cole update of the kids at the Dufon Farm:
The kids enjoy their daily golf cart rides "over the bridge" to look for berries, swimming in the pool, and playing on the swing set. Today, Alex and Olivia helped break the green beans in half after Ali, GiGi and I picked and snipped the ends of the green beans. Bumpa and I tried to get Alex and Olivia to stand in the tractor wheel so we could get their pictures, but they wouldn't, so Bumpa had to do it himself. Well, I guess I should get back to helping Bumpa...we are going through scrap. Until tomorrow...
Friday, August 08, 2008
Olympics Are Here!

It seems like this has been a long time coming, but they are finally here. When we moved here there were 683 days until the Olympics started. It is hard to believe we have lived here this long!
If you remember back to pictures in Beijing and Xi'an, we were 100 days away. This city is very excited about this. The whole country is. I'm very proud for my Chinese friends as this is a great source of pride for them.
We watched the opening ceremony at the Irishman's Pub and it was a great time with a lot of people there.
We had talked about flying up to Beijing for a day or so just to experience the atmosphere in Beijing. However, that changed with Kirk's ankle. China is not so handicapper friendly.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Night & Day View from Our Apartment

The weather here has been pretty nice recently. These pictures were taken at dusk and at dawn over the last couple weeks. Air has been pretty clear early in the morning and the sunsets have been quite spectacular. For those who haven't seen this on our blog before, this is the view out the front window of our apartment.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Kirk Injures his Ankle

I was looking forward to having fun with Kirk while I was here without the kids to make the best of it. I figured we'd both go to work, meet up after to work out and then go out to dinner. It started out like that. We golfed one day, we went out to dinner another night with friends, and we ran around Century park another day. Then on the Sunday after I got here, we went out for a night run and only got about a block from the apartment when Kirk ran over an uneven piece of sidewalk and rolled his ankle. We took him to the doctor the next day and there is a slight fracture and he has to wear a boot to keep it immobilized and he has to use crutches. He's pretty disappointed, but that's how it goes.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Kids in Florida Blog - Saturday
We are getting a little behind in sending out the updates, so I thought I would send along some pictures of the kids at the new water park that we found in north Naples. Alex could have stayed there all day, but he was really getting tired and probably did not know it. We also spent some time having a picnic which is outside the water park and I never thought we would be able to drag them out of the play gravel pit. We are sure enjoying having Elizabeth and Alex here and I am certain that they are having a good time.
Love, PopPop
Friday, July 25, 2008
Kids in Florida Blog - Thursday
Dear Mama and Daddy,
We are sorry we missed your call tonight. We'll explain later.
We had a good day today. We went for a long bike ride this morning and checked out the birds and fish in the bridge pond. The fish were really jumping, trying to eat bugs I guess. When we got back, I helped Grammy clean the pool deck. Then we all played in the pool until lunch time. When Alex took his nap, Grammy and I painted, did puzzles and played Old Maid. It was a rainy afternoon, so we didn't get to go back swimming.
PopPop suggested that we go to the new Chuck E Cheeze for dinner. We ate pizza and played a lot of games. There were about a million other kids, moms, dads and grandparents there. Alex LOVES Chuck E Cheese. He was very impatient when we had to stand in line to get in. He just didn't understand why he couldn't run into the play area!
On the way home, PopPop suggested Dairy Queen, and we all said SURE! We just got home and got our teeth brushed and flossed and our stories read. Alex is in bed and I am on my way. I love you so much and I miss you. You are the best mom and dad in the whole world. When we are in Michigan, Alex and I will take you to Chuck E Cheese. We'll talk to you in the morning.
Hugs and kisses from Elizabeth and Alex
P.S. I really love you!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Kids in Florida Blog - Wednesday
Dear Mama and Daddy,
I am very tired but I wanted to let you know that Alex and I had a good day. We rode bikes after breakfast. Then PopPop took Alex to get a haircut and to McDonalds for lunch. Grammy and I spent some time in the pool, then we made english muffin pizzas for lunch. They were delicious.
After lunch, we met Aunt Gretchen at the movies. We saw Kit Kitteridge, an American Girl. It was very good. My favorite part was when Kit solved the mystery of who stole the money.
When we got home, Grammy and I made meatballs for dinner and cookies for dessert. We all went swimming before the rain started. Alex and I ate a good dinner. (I had 5 servings of fuigibles today). We watched Little Einsteins while we had our milk and cookies. Then Grammy read us stories. PopPop is laying down with Alex and Grammy is taking me to bed. I love you mama and daddy. I like spending time with Grammy and PopPop. I miss you today, and I love you forever.
Good night. Elizabeth
Kath Arrives Back in Shanghai
This has been too hard to be away from the kids so long. I know they are having fun, but it's not much fun for us after the first week.
Although the US is a much better place to be than Shanghai in the summer, it doesn't matter where you are as long as you are with your family, it would be better.
If the situation is the same next year, I think I'll do it differently.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Elizabeth and Alex Blog from Grammy & Pop Pop's House
Elizabeth and Alex are writing blog messages during their stay at Grammy & Pop Pop's House so Kirk and Kath won't miss them as much. Here is the first entry:
Dear Mom and Daddy,
Here's how we spent our day. We had a slumber party with Grammy last night, so we slept in until almost 8:00 a.m. We got up and watched The Backyardigans and then ate pancakes, bacon and fruit for breakfast (We were co-presidents of the Clean Plate Club!). After we cleaned up the house and dishes, Grammy took us to the big pool, where we played and swam for about an hour. Alex and I like to do double cannonballs holding hands. A nice man told Grammy what well-behaved children we are.
Then we came home and had an inside picnic while we watched The Shaggy Dog movie. We did a good job of eating all of our salami, cheese, bread, grapes and carrots. Next Alex went for a nap while Pop Pop took Elizabeth on a bike ride. (She's getting good at balancing on the bike. She decided she would take the training wheels off when she comes back at Christmas!)
Next Elizabeth went with Grammy to get her nails done, and Alex had just got up from his nap when we got home. PopPop took us swimming in the pool while Grammy made dinner. When we came out of the pool, we both got showers and shampoos (we smell really good!) Again, we were co-presidents of the Clean Plate Club, as we ate all of our grilled chicken, french fries, broccoli and salad (well, no salad just cucumbers for Alex!)
PopPop put the new stunt race track together for Alex. We watched a Little Einsteins and had milk and a cookie. We just finished brushing and flossing, and we are off to bed for stories.
We miss you both very much, but Grammy and PopPop are taking good care of us. We'll talk to you in the morning.
Hugs and kisses from Elizabeth and Alex xxxxoooo
PS (from Elizabeth): I love you mama and daddy. Say hi to Xiao Ju and Mr. Liu.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Kath & Kids Arrive at Grammy & Pop Pop's House
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Beth's Wedding Shower
Pelton hosted a wedding shower for Chesna and Beth. She was worried about the rain, but it turned out to be a nice day. They had a nice shower with family and friends attending.
Afterwards, the Wasiks came over and they did go out to play on the lake. It did rain this time but that didn't stop Elizabeth and Ryan from swimming and tubing.
The last photo is Alex, Ryan Harris, Clare Cronley, Elizabeth holding Kate Cronley, and Rachel Harris. They all had fun playing with each other.
Fun at Kevin & Chrystal's House
Swimming is a big part of these kids summer. They had fun playing at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Chrystal's in the sprinkler, swimming pool, even at the splash park. Jake came to help and became one of Ethan's buddies. Even Nolan joined in when it came time for the sand box playing and ice cream festivities.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
swimming at Aunt Cole's house
Monday, July 14, 2008
Gigi's new gardening crew

Gigi has decided that she wanted to hire a new garden staff. She needed the extra support as the deer have decided to use this garden by the house as their new lunch spot. One night they munched off 36 lily flower heads. And this the week before she is hosting her garden group's weekly garden walk.
So we needed to inject some more color into it......the hiring began.
Of course "dirt boy" Alex loved helping. Elizabeth was the water girl, watering the holes that Alex would dig and then I would pop in the new flowers.
Elizabeth has now decided that she wants to be a farmer. When we move back, she wants us to live on a farm. I told her that would be up to her dad.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Farm pics
Kirk got all the pictures up on picasa, so now i'll start with the stories about the first part of our summer.
After we left Nicole's house, we drove to Bumpa and GiGi's house. The trip started fine until about an hour into in on the Ohio Turnpike, Alex threw up. Not sure why, maybe the combination of fruit loops and soymilk. After that, the trip was uneventful although it seemed to take forever to get there.
On Tuesday evening before the fourth of July, the Scottville Clown Band plays at the band shell in Scottville. The weather was beautiful and the kids enjoyed dancing. Well Elizabeth did. Alex had ants in his pants and was doing everything he could to tease his sister. So Aunt Suzanne took him and went to play at a friends house nearby.
The next day, we spent time playing outside. When we were in Xian, we bought some small terra cotta warriors and GiGi has place them in her garden to ward off the deer. Elizabeth and I went to the local children's museum in Ludington and she was able to make a bird feeder. We brought it home, hung it up, and the bird's had a great feast.
We also took golf cart rides back to the pond and the river and they both spent much of the day swinging and playing in the dirt.
On fourth of July, we went to the parade. As always, it was a very entertaining parade with the clown band finishing it off. The kids had a great time to trying to catch all the candy. They passed out in the backseat with Bumpa on the way home.
Next day we went to the beach with Aunt Suzanne and Alex pretended he was a bulldozer. He had sand in his head for a few days after.
Another day, Ally and Anna came over and they all swam in the pool and then we went to watch Bumpa in a tractor pull. We made one more stop at the beach that afternoon, but it was too chilly to stay too long.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
trip advisor map
I am a new user to facebook and this is a pretty cool feature...showing all the places I've visited. A couple are left out since I couldn't find.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Aunt Cole's house
The kids stayed at Nicole's house for the week while I worked in Troy. They had lots of people to watch over them including GiGi and Jacob. No major fights over the cozy coupe this year. They had a great time going to the park, the pool, and a local church festival. Unfortunately we got rained out, but not before they had a chance for a couple rides. We ended that day at Dave and Busters. Alex loved the Nascar games.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Delphi Friends
After my work conference, there was a gathering at one of my boss's houses. Here are a few pictures of some of my coworkers from China, Australia, and India.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Pelton & Kids
I was able to meet up with the Harris's for dinner one night. See Pelton, Ryan and Rachel.
Friday, June 20, 2008
US stories
The kids are having a great time so far. First visit was with Ethan and Nolan. Then they went on to Aunt Nicole's house and hung out with Olivia, Buddy, Jake and GiGi.
We are now at the farm. Nothing like the clean, fresh air. Hope to have a run tomorrow morning. Will load pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Marathon Blog Session and Trip to US
The kids and I are coming into Michigan tomorrow on Thursday. We are looking forward to the visit, but not to the flight! Hopefully the kids are more mature now and will be really good. Hopefully.......
I hope to see all of you when we are in the US. We've got a packed schedule but should be able to have time to visit everyone.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Alex Takes a Fall
The reason why I don't want to have anymore kids is that there is a 50/50 chance of a new one being a boy. I can't handle another boy. This guy doesn't know how to walk.....he runs. On this particular day, he was being chased and teased by his sister and tripped over my computer bag and fell into the corner of the wall. No stitches or hospital trip this time and I'm sure it's not his last fall either.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Elizabeth's Last Day of Pre-School
Sniff, Sniff....Elizabeth is not a preschooler anymore. This was her last day as a Ladybug. She moves on to Concordia's Kindergarten class in the fall. She had the same teacher, Mrs. Alexandra Chiu, for both years. What an amazing lady Mrs Chiu is. She has an incredible amount of patience and really loves her kids. Elizabeth just adores her and will miss her next year. But she isn't leaving Shanghai yet, so we'll see her at church and at school.
Her other teacher, Miss Alforte, also was a great teacher this year. She really taught Elizabeth a lot on how to prepare her for kindergarten.
Her buddies Clare Y and Crystal will be in kindergarten with her, but probably not in the same class.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Elizabeth & Alex Studio Pictures
I am so far behind in blogging that I am starting from the end and working my way through the past! We had the kids pictures taken at a studio in Puxi. You see that they do very professional pictures. They provide the clothes, hairdos, toys, etc.... They turned out really nice.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Sad Day, Grammy Goes Home
After what I'm sure to PopPop and Sophie seemed a life time, we let Grammy come back. She was a great help to us and the kids loved having her here for so long. It was hard on the kids for her to leave, but we were able to make one last stop to the Bund (Pudong) side and get a picture in front of her favorite view.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Concordia Book Parade
To celebrate the end of book week at school, Concordia has a character book parade where kids dress up as their favorite book character. Last year, Elizabeth went as Fern from Charlotte's web. This year she wanted to be Charlotte. She talked about this everyday for a week up until the parade. She had her mind set on being Charlotte so I couldn't let her down. I was able to concoct a costume from some old tights, fish wire and pillow stuffing! I recieved many complements. Not quite Gigi quality sewing, but it worked!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Elizabeth's Chapel Concert
Elizabeth's class hosted chapel this day. She and Ben Pigott had to say one line together and they did a great job - N is for Nazareth where Jesus would play.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Macau 10th Anniversary Trip
Almost caught up on the blogs!
Kirk did his usual, wonderful job of surprising me on our anniversary with a trip to Macau. Macau is the Las Vegas of Asia. Not quite yet, but will be very soon.
We stayed at the MGM which was very nice. We also visited the Wynn's, Venetian, Star World, and Grand Lisboa. Our room was amazing. It was a 2 bedroom suite that we were upgraded to. How come that doesn't happen when we have our kids with us!
Macau was a Portugese colony so there is so much influence from the architecture to food to religion here. We did a walking tour of the city on Friday and saw some amazing churches. The streets reminded us so much of our trip to Lisbon.
Grammy watched the kids for us in Shanghai and we truly had a relaxing, 2nd honeymoon weekend!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Playdate with Lauren
Lauren, a classmate of Elizabeth's came over. They had fun playing. She stayed for dinner and there is a difference between a 3rd born of 4 (Lauren) then a first born of two (Eliz) with regards to eating habits. Lauren was a champ eating her dinner, Elizabeth took her standard one hour!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Chris Botti Shanghai Concert
My favorite - Chris Botti - came to Shanghai. Oh my, I was so excited when I saw that he was coming! He did not disappoint. He played some songs from his new CD, Italia and his band was awesome. We waited in line to get an autograph and got a picture too!
Check out his music sometime, great jazz.
Lucy & Allie Stay the Weekend
Our friends Luke and Missy were brave enough to run in the Beijing Great Wall 1/2 marathon. We offered for their kids to stay with us so that they could enjoy their time there. Lucy and Allie are great friends of Elizabeth and Alex's so everyone was looking forward to it.
On Saturday, we went to Century Park to the amusement park area. Alex went on his first ride by himself in the cars. He was so proud. It was a really hot day, so we didn't stay long. Also the Steven's girls are blond so everywhere we went, people were gathering!
The girls slept in Alex's room, but there was not much sleeping going on. I think they were all worn out by the time they went home. Great time!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Elizabeth's School Music Program
Elizabeth had her spring music concert in the new theatre. They all sang nice and loud! It was a great concert and we were really proud of how well Elizabeth did on stage.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Major Earthquake in China
There was a moment of silence at 2:28 on Monday the 19th to honor the victims. Many organizations are collecting donations to send to Sichuan. Many countries have sent rescue teams. Our church's offerings this week are being sent directly to Sichuan through the Caritas program. It's difficult to read the papers or watch the news because there are more sad stories than great ones. Although they did find a lady 150 hours after the quake happened. I think that is God showing that miracles do happen.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
Mother's Day was a great celebration. We went to church, then we went to an awesome brunch at the Westin. Free flow champagne! The kids had a playroom that they could go to. Even decorate their own cake to give to Mom.
The afternoon was filled with a birthday celebration. Alex's friend, Chloe Eng, turned 3. They had a bounce house and that is all you need to fill up an afternoon of fun for 3,4, and 5 year olds! You can see a picture of my friend Kim Young with their new baby, Cormac who was born in Shanghai.
Thanks to the kids and Kirk for making our day so special.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Visit to SheShan Park & Cathedral
Since the kids and I enjoyed SheShan so much, we went back with Kirk, Grammy, and our friend Romo for a day. It was a nice sunny day and we packed a picnic. Once again, we had a fabulous time except for this day, there was hardly anyone at the park so it was even more enjoyable.
Last time, we didn't make it much past the beach. This time we got Alex to walk on and we discovered many other fun places. The most fun was the bounce area. You can see from the pictures and videos that the adults had just as much if not more fun than the kids.
After the park, we drove up the hill to where the Cathedral is. I stayed in the car with the sleeping kids while the others walked the remainder of the way.
The She Shan Cathedral stands on the hill named She Shan which lies to the north of the Songjiang county. This construction was built during 1925-35. The design of the cathedral is under a Roman style influenced by eclecticism. The Baroque domes and Gothic inner ornamentations get in harmony with each other. Along the zigzaging path leading up to the Cathedral, there 14 'hard-walking pavilions' at all the corner-turnings which portray what Jesus had suffered during his life time.