Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family. We are really sad that we can't be there to celebrate with everyone. We are thankful that we will get to do webcams with the Roessler's in Florida and with the Dufon clan in Fountain.
I've been remiss on writing stories lately. The days do seem to fly by. You can see that we have had some fun adventures to the park, to the Oriental Pearl Tower (Elizabeth calls it the tallest tower) and with our shipment coming in.
Speaking of shipment, we found out that we brought way too much. Number 1, we lived without it for so long, we really didn't need it. Number 2, we are crunched for space. We got creative with underbed storage and consolidated some things so there is a place for everything. Although it's "GOODBYE cute little Metropolitan, Minimalist apartment, HELLO Meijer Toy City"!!!! I'm grateful for the toys now because of the weather change.
Okay the weather.......it is now a consistent dreary, rainy, damp, November day. We haven't seen the sun in over a week. Pretty depressing. Alex and I have a cold and he doesn't like not being able to go outside. He gets pretty cranky when we don't go for our walks. So now I've given in and just put him in the stroller whether or not it's raining and we go. (I have a rain cover for the stroller).
Elizabeth's school had a Thanksgiving Day celebration lunch. It was a potluck. We brought the mashed potatoes, gravy, and my sad attempt at Frankenmuth noodles. Although a couple Michigander parents did recognize what they were!!!
Tonight we are going to the Intercontinental Hotel with our friends from Kirk's work, Rob, Stacy, and Roman. Then Saturday, we will go to Nick Petouhoff's (fellow GMI grad) for a big Turkey party.
Alex still isn't walking by himself....yes 19 months old....but he does have the ability. He just is very cautious. He's been that way since he was born. He loves to take our finger and walk the circle around our apartment. He's saying a lot more words and even replacing some with Chinese words. He doesn't say "thank you" any longer, he says "xie xie" (shea shea).
Kirk is the master at posting the pictures and video, so I'll have him post the recent stuff later. We love you all and look forward to seeing a lot of you at Christmas. Hope you are enjoying the blog.
p.s. pelton...open the purse strings and go buy a web cam.